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11月8日Mazars线上活动 Nov.8th Online event(必填)
选择您想参加的线上活动 Choose the online event to attend
10:30 数字化财务管理如何促进于中国电商的新发展 How do digital financial management promote the development of e-commerce in China
11:00 聚焦跨境电商税收风险 Analysis on tax risk of cross-border e-commerce
11:30 聚焦中国企业走出去——海外投资趋势概览 Focus on Chinese enterprises going abroad—— Investment in overseas
14:00 企业如何实现可持续发展目标 How can enterprises achieve sustainable development goals?
15:00 品牌如何应对中国式“新零售” How will brands respond to "new retail" with Chinese characteristics?
16:00 后疫情时代的工作环境 The working environment post Covid-19 (panel)
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