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11月6日Mazars线上活动 Nov.6th Online event(必填)
选择您想参加的线上活动 Choose the online event to attend
10:30 “新零售”商业模式下的用户个人信息保护 New retail and user personal information protection
11:00 解码零售业之增值税 VAT considerations from the perspective of retail business
11:30 会计和财务行为的数字化 Digitalisation of accounting and finance activities
14:00 “缺芯困局”后,对半导体重塑供应链的思考 Thoughts on rebuilding the supply chain of semiconductor after the dilemma of core shortage
15:00 企业内部合规调查中的数字取证和电子发现技术 Digital forensic and eDiscovery for corporate investigation
16:00 审计的未来 Future of auditing
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