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11月9日Mazars线上活动 Nov.9th Online event(必填)
选择您想参加的线上活动 Choose the online event to attend
10:30 新个人所得税条例对在华工作的外国人有何影响 What is the new IIT regulation impact on foreigners working in China
11:00 后疫情时代的东南亚投资浅析 Analysis of investment in Southeast Asia in the post Covid-19 era
13:00 国潮来袭,中国时尚行业面临的机遇和挑战 Opportunities and challenges of China's fashion industry under the trend of Chinese fad
14:00 上海自由贸易试验区陆家嘴管理局战略合作框架协议签约仪式暨浦东新区引领区政策推介会 Shanghai (Lujiazui) Pilot Free Trade Zone cooperation agreement ceremony and Pudong Pioneer Zone policy introduction
15:00 女性领导力如何成为企业发展的引擎? How can women leadership become an engine for business growth?
16:00 海外投资机遇——聚焦非洲 Overseas investment opportunities —— Africa
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